Literature notes
- 2-interval Problems
- 3 ways the brain creates meaning
- A job shop scheduling problem in software testing
- A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
- Abraham2007
- Albuquerque2004
- Algorithm for finding maximum clique
- Algorithms and complexity of assembling microbial genomes
- Alignment free multiple sequence analysis
- Alignment of LC-MS peak list for correction of retention time
- Altenhoff2009
- Analysis of Neandertal genome
- Analyzing stacks of images using copula concept
- Ancestral reconstruction over continuous characters and distributions
- Angibaud2008b
- API designs matters
- Application of Komogorov complexity
- Application of Multifractal analysis for image analysis
- Applying the neutral indel model across metazoan genomes
- Approximation algorithms for the Graph Orientation Minimizing the Maximum Weighted Outdegree
- Approximation of Bookmark Assignment
- Arithmetic operations on regular languages
- Arora2005
- Art of solving minimal problems
- ASP-Complete Problems
- Auction with purchase probability
- Baker2009
- Balcan2009
- Bambery2004
- Bansal2010
- Bardera2009
- Bayesian Agglomerative Clustering with Coalescents
- BBC Cats
- Beekes2007
- Bender2004
- Bentley1984
- Bentley1993
- Berard2008
- Bernt2008
- Bertrand2008
- Beyond Satisfiability
- Biocomputing Startups in Singapore
- Biologically inspired computer networks
- Biomolecular systems and their evolution
- Blin2006
- Blin2009
- Bocker2008
- Boucher2010
- Boyer1981
- Boyer2004
- Breakpoint reuse rate in rearrangement scenarios
- Brown2010a
- Brown2010b
- Burgetz2006
- Calabrese2003
- CAMBer
- Cannibal Animal Game
- Carpentier2005
- Cell Illustrator Online for Systems Biology Platform
- Centroid Triangulations to bivariate BSplines
- Change-Up in Lectures
- Chauve2006
- Chauve2008
- Chen2007
- Chen2008
- Cloning as a software engineering tool
- Code clone analysis and applications
- Code clone analysis
- Combinatorial problems in genomics and computational biology
- Composability in Computing
- Computational drug target gene discovery
- Computational Manga
- Computational methods for prediction of alternative promoters and TFBS
- Computer Assisted Surgical Planning
- Computers and Genomes
- Conditional random field
- Conservation and Evolution of Regulatory Elements in Mammalian Genomes
- Corban2010
- Costello2008
- Cracking the UX code
- Cryptographic Hashing
- On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science Redux
- Csuros2010
- Data Intensive Scalable Computing
- Data mining at I2R
- Data structures for summary queries
- Data Linkage Problem
- Decision support system
- Dehal2005
- Detecting complexes from PPI
- Detecting gene duplication through reconciled trees
- Detecting lateral gene transfer using pairwise distances
- Disambiguation in DL
- Distributed Streaming
- Distribution Deposition Algorithm
- DNA methylation
- Domain Engineering
- Domination Number
- Don Norman on creating great software
- Dong2010
- Double water exculsion
- Doyon2008
- Drug pathway decipherer
- Drupal Founder visit
- Du2003
- Durand2003a
- Durand2003b
- Durand2006
- Dy2004
- Dynamic Graph problems
- Dziuba2007
- Effective chat rooms
- Eisenhaber2010
- Intro to Encryption
- Ensemble Clustering of PPI Networks
- Epigenomics of murine and adipose cells
- EUPathDB
- Evolution of duplicates in Yeast
- Evolution of regulatory modules
- Explorative visualisation of usage log data
- Extracting and Exploiting Contrastive Relations from Biomedical Literature
- Fernandez2005
- Fitch2000
- Flow monitoring problem
- Formula size complexity
- Fragile Breakage Model
- Fragilities in Cellular Networks
- Fragment HMM: Protein structure prediction
- Franceschini2007
- Fujibuchi2000
- Fulton2006
- Fuzzy Logic and Inexact Reasoning
- Game tree search
- GeekcampSG 2011
- GeekcampSG 2012
- Gene Identifcation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genomic Data Assimilation for Discovering New Knowledge Regarding Biological Pathways
- Genomic sources of regulatory evolution
- Google DevFest 2011
- Grammar based compression of reptitive text
- Grand Challenges in Computing IDM
- Graph Kernels
- Groves2003
- Gupta2010
- Han2009
- Helm1991
- Hidden common cause relations in relational learning
- Hierarchical POMDP controller optimization by likelihood maximization
- History of computing
- Hoberman2007
- HP Labs Singapore
- Hub set problem
- Hulsen2006
- Hulsen2006b
- Hurst2004
- Identification With Lies
- Identifying drug pathway
- Image Based Regression
- Imaging Spectroscopy and Spectral Unmixing
- Infographics
- Invariants in Computing
- Irredundant Motifs
- Istrail2010
- IT Productivity
- Jiang2002
- Jinjun2009
- JobsConnect Briefing
- Klimke2009
- KOEI recruitment talk
- Kohler2007
- Kretlow2006
- Kuzniar2008
- Large-Scale Gene Network Estimation
- Lasch2004
- Leardi2000
- Learning PWN from Sequence and Expression Data
- Learning Robots
- Learning to Walk through Imitation
- Lee2008
- Lehr1985
- Lemoine2007
- Lerat2003
- Linear Programming
- Linear Ordering Problem
- Ling2008
- Lipidomics
- Liu2006
- Local Motifs
- Louie2009
- Low power networking for wireless sensor networks
- LTL vs CTL
- Mapping of structural variants using functional genomics
- Math Aware Search
- Mathematics of luxury
- Matusewicz2005
- Max’s master thesis presentation
- Maximum edge domination problem
- McLysaght2002
- Merkle2010
- Mining data stream
- Mining Communities from PPI
- Mining Frequent Patterns
- Mining PPI Networks
- Misra1982
- Modelling dynamic of cellular signaling using a probabilistic approach
- Modelling Uncertainty
- MS Research Asia: first ten years
- Multi-Dimensional Views in the ‘Omics’ Era
- Multi-Robot Adaptive Exploration and Mapping for Environmental Sensing Applications
- Multi-stage iterative thresholding for binarization of documents
- Murzin2010
- Mystery of intron splicing
- Gai2003
- News from the RNA world
- One class per named entity
- Operons
- Origins of protein folding
- Ozery-Flato2008
- Pairwise compatibility graph
- Pandu Rangan on teaching algorithms
- Parallelization of DFA membership tests
- Parida2010
- Pattern discovery from graph structured data
- Pearson1994
- PepSOM
- Peptide and PTM identifcation by MS/MS
- Pertea2008
- Petibois2006
- Petibois2007
- Petsko2001
- Phenotype-Genotype networks
- Phylogenetic Networks
- Planning and control in belief space
- Point Based Methods
- POST in Prolog
- Posters from GIW 2009
- Predicting biological function at different spatial scales
- Predicting pathogenicity of missense mutations
- Prefix free regular expression
- Presentation Tips
- Probase
- Problem solving and modelling with Graphs
- Progressive Query Processing
- Protein complex prediction
- Protein complex prediction from cores/attachments model
- Protein Flexibility
- Public speaking
- Qi2009
- Qian2008
- Quartet SuperTree Construction
- Rahmann2006
- Rajan2010
- Randomization in CS
- Ranking and unranking of parenthesis strings
- Reconstructing string from substrings using quantum queries
- Reconstructing the evolutionary history of mammalian genomes
- Reconstructing Ancestral Genomes
- Register Allocation by Puzzle Solving
- Remarks on cluster systems
- Research in the Singapore Infocomm Industry
- Research – A Rewarding Career, and Opportunities at IHPC and A*STAR
- RielMehan2010
- Rise of the Internet
- Robust 1-center on trees
- Rogozin2004
- Rosenberg2007
- Roth2008
- Ryvkin2008, Jun2008
- Sahu2005
- Sankoff1997
- Sankoff2001
- Sankoff2005a
- Sankoff2005b
- Sankoff2008
- SAP and disease association
- SAT and P vs NP
- Scan statistics
- Scharpf2006
- Scheer2007
- Schmidt2004
- Schmidt2007
- Schulze2005
- Secret Handshakes
- Sequence composition based on K-string composition
- Set bipartite matching problem
- She2009
- Shotgun proteonomics
- Siepel2002
- Simillion2004
- Skurichina2006
- Snel2002
- SNPs
- Social Robotics
- Soft Computing in Bioinformatics
- Software specification discovery
- Software Cost Model
- Software Verification overview
- Software Freedom Day 2011
- Sorting and Convex Hull
- SQL to Prolog
- Starck2001
- Startup Weekend 2012
- Statistical Analysis of high dimensional molecular data
- Statistical Analysis in Bioinformatics
- Stochastic approximation of signalling pathway dynamics
- StOnge2005
- Streaming Geometry Processing
- Streaming meshes
- Sudoku solver
- Symposium on Math and Science in IDM
- Sync sink sync
- Synteny, Orthology and Evolution of Gene Clusters
- Talent scheduling minimizing idle days
- Teaching JavaScript
- Temple Smith’s keynote at RECOMB08
- The power of abstraction
- Topological approaches to tree reconstruction
- Tracing the evolution of protein interaction networks
- Tracking Multiple Objects
- Tracking and Searching
- Translational discoveries in multiple myeloma
- True Ancestral Events on Phylogenetic Trees
- Turan type problems
- Ultraconservation and ultradivergence of human DNA sequences
- Uncovering the architecture of coordinated gene expression
- Using SVM to predict PPI
- Using Trac/SVN
- Verzakov2004
- View projection
- Viki
- Vilella2009
- VSee
- Wall2003
- Warner1997
- Windowed Time Warping
- Wolf2001
- Wolfe1997
- Wood2004
- Xiaowen2010
- Xu2008
- Yancopoulos2008
- Yang2008
- Yang2010
- Yongjin2010
- Yosef2008
- Zerbino2008
- Zero space data structure
- Zhang2007
- O(n lg n) time algorithm for GTT
- Failure: a love story
- CouchDB @ Moneythor
- Practice 2013: The Art of Strategy
- Interactive Auralization with real time sound sources
- with Katrina Owen
- Hoodie, implementation of No Backend spec
- From hack to hacker by Terence Lee
- Product analytics by Cedric Chin
- Warren Specter practice 2013
- Functors from a mathematical perspectives
- Understanding the log abstraction
- Deconstructing Functional Programming - Gilad Bracha
- Pairing vs Code review
- Hack and tell [2014-01-28 Tue 20:00]
- Bitcoin mining with FPGA
- Spanner talk at Friday Hacks
- DNS cache poisoning
- Implementing continuous delivery
- Continuous delivery in the cloud
- Web performance at Facebook
- Bazaarvoice’s service oriented architecture
- MySQL training by Iris
- Game programming patterns
- DNS security
- Viki web services
- Design patterns in Drupal
- Program design in the UNIX environment
- Field guide to the algorithmic interview
- Internship at Groupon
- What actually happens during internships
- Hack and tell [2014-03-11 Tue 20:00]
- Automated reasoning for software bug finding
- What’s new in JaveSE 8
- Lessons from building NUSmods 2.0
- Jenkins automation
- Into the Deep (Blue)
- Magarena lightning talk
- Beyond hearbleed
- Detecting communities in large social networks
- Hyperlinking videos for large video collections
- Discovering association between variables in data
- Integrating data mining in business process
- Machine learning for Big Data analysis
- How does the visually impaired dream?
- Geospatial technologies
- Location analytics
- Mining geospatial data
- Indexing the world with aerial drones
- Introduction to
- Matt Mullenweg Live
- Mapping urban spaces
- Geospatial startup: Adnear
- Geospatial startup: Dilivrit
- Kopi chat with Ray Chan, 9gag
- The law and aaron - could it happen in Sinagapore
- Comments by Vikram after film on AaronSW
- Comments by Eleanor after film on AaronSW
- Hot streaming replication in Postgres 9.3
- Competitive gaming: a whole new world
- 2D game art
- REST API best practices
- VisualSG
- Dassault systems
- MIT SENSEable city lab
- Visualization with giant screens
- Pursuit of happiness
- Software teams in global finance
- The Anatomy of a Search Engine
- 1 year as a digital nomad
- To ship or not to ship
- Optimising underwater modems
- Semantic media mining: what? why? how?
- GrabTaxi @ techfest
- Environmental modelling with machine learning
- Introduction to scikit-learn
- Organising programs without classes
- A mathematical theory of communication
- Barcamp 2014
- How we do 60fps in our 3d RTS mobile game
- Underwater autonomous vehicle
- Hardware Prototyping 101
- Tales of an InfoStealer
- Inappropriate applications of NFC
- Introduction to Docker
- Docker ecosystem
- CI and Automated builds with Docker
- Overview and evaluation of Bluetooth LE
- Communicating Sequential Processes
- Distributed computing for new blood
- Free Wheatley, breathing life into iconic figurines
- Agent-based modelling in Ruby
- Tech adventures of a lousy Gamer
- ES6 - the future of javascript
- Making hardware come alive
- The last great hardware show
- Hardware and algorithm design for drones
- Singapore’s Smart Nation journey
- Cloudera talk
- Using data at DBS
- Data science pecha kucha
- Investor: friend or foe
- Tech hiring
- ShadowCrypt
- Security applications of Formal Language Theory
- Consistent hashing and random trees
- My heart is a turing machine
- Tips on making your tutorial better
- Game balance in Skyrim
- Science: Humanity’s Universal Bridge
- Configurations with consul
- Docker internals
- Correlation between IT and sales
- The absolute minimum every software developer needs to know about database indexes
- Learning Haskell and using Yesod
- Engineers.SG meetup
- Know your threat landscape
- Optimizing bus routes from ezlink data
- Web instructure at Dropbox
- Open source hardware: future trends
- systemd: where we come from and where we want to go in 2015
- How LiMux serves 15000
- MariaDB: state of the base
- Firefox OS: open web mobile platform
- loklak: distributed tweet search engine
- Cutting through the container hype
- Open source monitoring with icinga
- Open Data and Open Source
- Using mobile phones for IoT
- Open source and open data for China Gov
- Collaborate with ease and confidence
- Create once, publish everyone
- Clash: structure descriptions of synchronous hardware using haskell
- Measuring cognitive abilities of machines, humans, and non-human animals in a unified way
- Purely functional deployments with Nix
- Functional Reactive Programming on iOS
- Web Developer’s Nightmare
- Teleport, an intelligent routing service
- Best practices in Best practices
- Node.js for multiplayer mobile game
- Design, test, prototype in 12 days
- hpack: an alternative format for haskell packages
- Haskell on ARM with ghc
- getopt-generics
- The Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Contexts
- A protocol for packet network intercommunication
- Security for startups
- Alan Turing, Computing, Bletchley, and Mathematics
- Hack and Tell 2015-07-02 2000
- Any angle path finding on grids
- F2P Design: from WTF to Awesome
- Project Oberon on FPGA
- Game programing using functional reactive programming
- Introduction to algebraic datatypes in Haskell
- Automatic differentiation in deep learning
- Set theory
- Singapore Clojure Meetup #3
- Robust range-only beacon localization
- Go at Grab Taxi
- How secure is stored value payment cards
- Magic Sharing
- using alpine linux to create smaller docker images
- from source to container
- Risk management, insurance, futures, and options
- Containers: what we need to know
- Secure emergency nomadic toolkit
- Talk via Satellites and maybe the Moon
- From tupperware to AUV
- Build your first computer with FPGA
- Build wifi gadgets with ESP8266
- Zipper ZMap
- Learning to tranduce with unbounded memory
- Monadic parsers
- C worksheet instrumentor
- Engaging with the tech community beyond school
- Lightning talks during Friday Hacks #100
- A journey in digital story telling
- Reading news from the internet and predicting the stock market
- mov is turing complete
- a framework for automated generation of questions based on first order logic
- Clojure is Pragmatic
- The Clojure brain behind 40 billion req/day
- Science of the Mind
- Engineering at Coursera
- TED x Singapore
- ClojureScript: an experiential report
- Breaking the normalization barrier: a self interpreter for F-omega
- Deep Learning, review paper in Nature
- esp-lisp
- ESP8266 controlled LED strip
- AERobot
- Streaming video to ESP31
- Creating the BB-8
- Smart lighting system
- Intro to Linux
- Smart = Digital Future
- Human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction
- Whirlwind tour of boot
- Onyx: Distributed Computing for Clojure
- File Storage Engine in Go: reducing GC overhead
- Pre-eclipse workshop
- Fireside chat with John O’Nolan, creator of Ghost
- Competition is for Losers
- Reflections on trusting trust
- Nativefier
- Julia at the frontier: fast, flexible, fun
- 7 tips for web centric database design
- Data warehouse in a PG environment
- Code review for DevOps
- Tales from production with PostgreSQL at scale
- CI/CD for FOSS dev
- LabPlot
- FarmMind
- Building real time tracking system using IoT and Django
- Gas-o-Gauge: Tracking LPG fuel level
- Free communication with free software
- PostgreSQL Data Warehousing
- Abusing the 4D indexing in PostGIS 2.2 with PostgreSQL 9.5 to give you the perfect match
- Functionality, security, usability: choose any two
- Not all security flaws are born equal
- Privly, share privately
- Distributed and secure communication platform
- Agile application delivery with containers and cloud-native tools
- Successfully leading remote teams
- New directions in cryptography
- Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
- The ABCs of XSS
- Just hacker things
- Q&A with Jeff Moss, Dino Dai Zovi, Jayson
- ROS and Linorobot
- Throughput of networks with large propagation delay
- Change the game with data and analytics
- Creating VR content
- Unity and VR
- Issues with VR
- Control schemes in VR
- Stifled in VR
- VR educational games
- What we can learn for a bit of information theory
- Agile practices
- Google Singapore NBU
- Strict Theta*: shorter motion planning using taut paths
- Fire side chat with Mike Curtis
- The Linux scheduler: a decade of wasted cores
- Deep compression: compressing deep neural networks
- Microspace nanosatellites
- Big Data, Small Machine
- gitlab for newbies
- Alternative to pull request
- Create your own github (kinda)
- Tai Chi’ing accountability
- The Artist & The Scientists
- Adventures with Green Engineering
- WeCash intro
- Towards the SMACK stack
- Social graph analysis for credit modeling
- Tech jam tools to engage young children in technology
- Dream makers of tomorrow
- Compliance and vulnerability audit for containers
- How to introduce critical thinking and interest in science/tech, peer learning in a city?
- What we can learn from GOFAI
- Traffic assignment under intelligent selfish routing
- Fast exact shortest-path distance queries on large networks
- Building data products from the perspective of a PM
- Tech + Talk: Fireside chat with Shaun Chong
- A2: Analogy Malicious Hardware
- Cluster failure: Why FMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates
- Magic and Engineering
- DeepLearning4j, data parallel deep learning on spark
- The discovery of the higgs boson
- Spec - an introduction
- re-typerooni with re-frame
- Accessibility and ChromeLens
- Entity Component Systems
- Deploying with Docker
- Urban traffic modelling and intelligent intersection control
- Debugging Javascript without console.log
- Tic-Tac-Toe with React Native and SocketIO
- Javascript on the JVM
- Autonomous Vehicles: advances, algorithms, and the road ahead
- Autonomous Vehicles for Mobility on Demand
- Building scalable advertising platforms
- How to lead and win in a data life
- Building a successful data science career
- NUSMods 3.0
- Diving into Open Source
- Data science at honestbee
- Engineering for Engineering’s sake
- The Magic behind Engineers.SG
- An unexpected use for a cardboard box: listening to the moon
- Evolving careers: How I switched my role from an admin to a javascript developer
- Create a 3D game engine for pebble
- Rust: Make system programming great again!
- HyperLedger project: updates from the blockchain
- GraphQL in an Age of REST
- Kubernetes for small organisations: Is it worth it?
- The development of the Rolls-Royce wide chord fan blade - a personal perspective
- What is the most optimal partition algorithm?
- Team Data Ninja (NUS) at Data Science Game 2016
- Team YNC Hacks (Yale-NUS) at Data Science Game 2016
- Refining boundaries of genomic island
- Genome island boundary refinement
- Game progression: how to engage your players
- Live stream your game dev
- Incorporate psychology into game-making
- My favorite BAD advice
- Tips and tricks for releasing games on steam
- Storytelling games: player games to tell stories
- No hype no game
- Play | Game | Fail
- Future of the game industry
- Designing for Performance
- Creative coding meetup
- Athenoxat 1st anniversay
- Building a sound card based on convox speech
- Ruggedised Rolling Robot
- Insta-QRP radio transceiver
- Deep learning for visual understanding
- Crash-only software
- Are we living in The Matrix
- Beyond supervised learning: towards artificial intelligence
- Risk factors in the implementation of smart cities
- Economics of Smart Cities, from the Perspective of a Computer Scientst
- Data management and decision making for smart cities
- How smart systems enable more liveable cities
- Smart systems enable liveable cities panel discussion
- Singapore Indies Meetup
- Multicore Programming
- The Melting Aircon
- Data science in govtech
- Proposition as Types
- Row Hammer: Flipping bits in memory without accessing them
- Ask Susi
- Employee Attrition Prediction with R Accelerator
- Shogun ML: unified and efficient machine learning
- Concurrency in Go and Rust
- Open source world of Natural Language Processing
- The Brain-Duino Project: BCI and AI in the Future
- Chibitronics and Love to Code
- PostgreSQL compatibility for Amazon Aurora
- Future of the mobile web
- TensorFlow 1.0
- Massive multi node postgreSQL/BDR in Retail System
- Alohomora: unlocking the magical bits in python
- Scientific computing using Cython
- software is eating law
- Learning adventures with Python in Science
- 5 lessons for hardware from Highway1
- Understanding the fundamentals of attacks
- Security discussion panel
- APPL: Approximate POMDP planning toolkit
- ClojureScript development with devcards
- Lazy functional state threads
- Hack and Tell 2017-07-18
- Engineering the innovation economy with Hope Technik
- Hack and tell [2017-09-19 Tue 19:09]
- What makes ML for anti-abuse interesting?
- Contracts for Higher-Order Functions
- A Berkley view of AI systems
- A functional data structures primer
- DSL in Clojure
- Think twice before dropping ACID and throw your CAP away
- The dark side of IoT
- Algorithms for startup founders
- Of course we trust the wifi
- Continuous delivery for short people
- How developers got password security so wrong
- When a meta-circular interpter meets itself
- UI, beyond pixels
- How I almost wrote an ORM
- Taking back “Software Engineering”, craftsmanship is not enough
- AI: Use cases, trends and opportunities
- Drones: status, applications, and issues
- Receptive fields of single neurones in the cat’s striate cortex
- SMU Panel on Blockchain and AI
- Fueling the AI Revolution: Efficient methods and hardware for deep learning
- Hack and Tell Singapore
- Putting the I back in AI
- Industry opportunities in AI era
- Infrastructure for AI and HPC convergence
- AI: what little we know
- Visions of AI Lighting talk
- Panel dissusion at Visions for AI Future
- Learning programming and problem solving through solving algorithm problems
- Using Python to automate coding assignment
- Computing @ Zhonghua
- Pushing CT for all
- Teaching Python to working adults
- Digital world evolved - machine learning powered
- 2d challenge at SUTD
- Growth in a coding classroom
- Experiences in developing students for coding, data science, AI
- Python for experiential learning in STEAM
- Python vs C: implementing data structures and algorithms
- CoderDojo @ SG
- Hack and tell 2018-07-05
- Sensorflow
- User experience design
- Making good salad
- operant conditioning
- shoulder massage
- Conscious, subconscious
- tips for google sheets
- how does a remote control work?
- influence of art
- JetBrains night intro
- Removing barriers to increase developer productivity
- Kotlin everywhere
- Hack and Tell 2019
- Making next gen AI ready
- Sciencer - smart science for the future
- Remote diagnosis system for assisted living using IoT
- Protecting sensitive datasets: cloud tools you can use
- The hunt for the elusive fungus gnat
- PyConSG Education summit 2019
- Pythonic
- Using Python AST module to track python language features, imported
- How we learn
- An optimal algorithm for heavy hitters in insertion streams and related problems
- Power efficient and low latency baseband processing for LTE femtocell
- Indie Soapbox: Timeout by Christopher Lee
- CT in Singapore
- Backtracking without recursion
- Beautiful sorting problems
- Optimism, Pessimism, and Algorithms
- Paul2021
- Sharing on leadership by Metta
- Career chats @Swiss 2022
- The Liar Game: Truths & Proofs from Euclid to Turing
- The combinatorial invariance conjecture and machine learning
- a crash course in data-driven storytelling techniques
- PyConSG Education summit 2022
- PyConSG Education summit 2023
- underwater robotics
- My journey to geek