Melvin's digital garden

Cryptographic Hashing

CREATED: 200811190303 Speaker: Joseph Pieprzyk ** Introduction

  • classical hash function, $H : {0,1}^N \rightarrow {0,1}^n$, where $N > n$ ** uniform distribution of collisions ** efficient computation
  • cryptographic hashing, $H: {0,1}^* \rightarrow {0,1}^n$ ** preimage resistant: knowing digest, intractable to find message that hashes to digest ** 2nd preimage resistant: knowing digest and message, intractable to find another message with same digest ** collision resistant: intractable to find any pair of messages with the same digest ** in addition expected to provide: pseudorandomness, random oracle, indistinguishability
  • How to build H? ** Merkle-Damgard construction: sequential application of compression function ** Damgard construction: tree of compression function ** Sponge construction: application of permutation, absorbing messages and squeezing out digest ** Permutations and checksums ** Wide-pipe and double-pipe
  • How to build compression function? ** Single chain of Feistel permutations (MD4, MD5) ** Double-block hash (parallel chains) ** Four parallel chains (fork)
  • Attacks on hash functions ** PRE: any attack have complexity at least $2^n$ ** 2PRE: at least $2^n$ (Merkle-Damgard has a generic attack of $O(t2^{n/2} + 2^{n-t})$) ** COLL: at least $2^{n/2}$ ** Hashing based on block ciphers
  • Rabin
  • Davies-Meyer (feed forward helps prevent PRE attack)
  • Double-block hash
  • Pros ** block cipher can be adapted for hashing ** reuse of existing technology ** withstood test of time (DES)
  • Cons ** mismatch between key scheduling (cipher) and message expansion (hash) ** hashing is slower than custom-design ** Custom design hash functions
  • MD family by Rivest 1990
  • SHA-0 by NIST in 1993, upgraded to SHA-1 in 1995, based on Feistel permutations
  • collision for full SHA-1 in $2^{63}$ by Wang
  • SHA-256 by NIST in 2001, also based on Feistel permutations
  • Pros ** specifically designed for hashing ** diffusion as the main cryptographic property ** S-box theory comes in handy ** Basic operations to maximize speed ** Two components: message expansion and processing of chain variables
  • Cons ** security is not proven ** hashing lagging behind secret-key cryptography ** Hashing based on intractable problems
  • Modular Arithmetic Secure Hash - MASH-1, based on difficulty of square root modulo N
  • RSA-based hash, based on difficulty of factoring
  • Discrete logarithm hash
  • Knapsack hash
  • Tillich-Zemor hash, based on hardness of finding a short factorization in $SL(2,2^n)$
  • LASH-160
  • Very Smooth Hash, based on hardness of very smooth number nontrivial modular square root (fast, 10x slower than SHA-1)
  • SWIFFT hash, assumes worst-case hardness in cyclic/ideal lattices
  • Pros ** security properties can be proven ** security reduction can be constructive, giving lower bounds on attacks ** recent constructions such as VSH and SWIFFT are fast
  • Cons ** efficiency

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