Melvin's digital garden

Sorting and Convex Hull

Presented by Yoshio Okamoto at AAAC 2011

Sorting and convex hull are closely related.

Variants of problems

  • integer
  • in-place
  • IO efficient
  • cache oblivious
  • data oblivious
  • adaptive
  • fault tolerant (works in the presence of lies)

Convex hull can be solved in O(n lg n) or O(n lg h) where h is the number of extreme points.

Sorting with at most k lies (k is known to the alg) Lies = faulty comparisons / faulty turn test

Convex hull with at most k faulty turn tests in O(n lg n + nk) time, lower bound is O(n lg n + nk).

Two techniques for coping with lies

  • repetition
  • verify and restart

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