Melvin's digital garden

CouchDB @ Moneythor

<2013-12-06 Fri 13:00> speaker: Thibault, Moneythor event: hackers and painters

enhance online banking by categorizing and making personalized recommendations base on bank statements. main business is selling software to banks based on Java and RDBMS. used to test out ideas. ** document store *** schema free *** try out map/reduce *** second to mongo db on rankings ** couchDB *** restful json API *** nice admin web tool, futon *** master-master replication *** couchapps *** no query language, design views *** no bulk update, need to write your own scripts ** data model *** id *** rev unique to specific version, for conflict detection and replication ** views *** result of map/reduce ** transcations *** no being/end commit *** can set all or nothing flag to a single agreegate api call *** need to do all updates at the end to get transaction ** gotchas *** adding a field increases size of db by a lot can be reduced by compaction *** update a view may take a long time update on a different server, then switch over ** pros *** backup/restore is easy as files on disk are consistent

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