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Genomic sources of regulatory evolution

CREATED: 200810200259 Speaker: Patricia Wittkopp

  • cis vs trans regulation, inter vs intra species sites ** cis regulation (binding site): allele specific ** trans regulation (transcription factor): affects both alleles
  • distinguishing cis vs trans regulatory changes using F1 heterozygous and pyrosequencing to determine #transcripts from each allele
  • contribution of cis/trans between D. Melanogaster and D. Simulans ** interspecies more cis regulatory difference ** use 2 inter comparisons to derive intraspecies difference
  • Model of neutral evolution doesn’t explain the difference
  • Hypothesis 1 ** trans regulatory maintained by mutation-selection balance ** mutational target is larger in trans
  • Hypothesis 2 ** cis regulatory are fixed preferentially ** positive selection for cis or negative selection against trans
  • Properties of regulatory changes (mutation) based on yeast cells using FAS (Florescent assistant sorting)

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