Melvin's digital garden

Any angle path finding on grids

2015-07-03 1209 speaker: Ou Shunhao event: Hacker and Painters ** Grids and Nav meshes focus on grids harder to modify nav meshes when the map changes ** use A* search A* = Dijkstra + heuristic ** Theta* use direct path if not blocked ** How to check if there is line of sight? Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm to determine grid squares to check ** Theta* is not optimal may be additional bends in the any angle path ** visibility graph algorithm build a visibility graph and then run A* building the visibility graph is slow ** test results theta* is any angle and faster than visibility graph ** tips using a heuristic helps to reduce running time eg. octile heuristic having a debugging view to observe the steps of pathfinding ** avoiding other moving characters separate path finding from steering (local motion) ** further readings post smoothing to get any angle lazy theta* jump point search

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