Melvin's digital garden

The ABCs of XSS

[2016-04-01 Fri 19:00] speaker: Quan Yang event: Friday Hacks #111 ** Persistent XSS attacker stores payload on server victim visits website and loads attacker’s payload eg IVLE About me for staff/tutor allows tags but uses a blacklist ** Reflected XSS attack puts the payload in the URL victim loads the URL and payload is part of the page open redirect ** DOM-based XSS dom manipulation code may have unintended effects eg $(location.hash), jquery selector will create the node if it does not exist ** XSS auditor (Chrome) browser protection, checks if URL is contained in page source ** self XSS turing self XSS to good XSS ** sandboxed domain separate domain that cannot access cookie of main domain ** svg files svg files can contain script tags ** AngularJS XSS occurs when you mix server side and client side code ** IVLE bugbounty honor roll, not paid

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