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Science of the Mind

speaker: Shawn Martin, Applied Cognitive Science event: Friday Hacks #103 date: [2015-11-06 Fri 18:30:00] ** applied cognitive science

  • Shaun Martin (teaching mathematics at MIT)
  • KK (doing design for MTV) ** serialization problem in the brain we can only do one thing at a time ** rethinking education from cognitive science 2.9x and 4.5x learning could be obtained ** the studylab project what do students do when they are studying? bimodal distribution of focused effort 7% focused, 93% quickly abandoned the task ** evolutionary cognitive science ** kepler-einstein trick reintrepreting existing data on human behavior in a new light ** cognitive architecture 150 million transducers for sensing the world thousands of specialized algorithms one decider ** ekman’s work using facial expression to extract emotions ** what are the bad factors that cause people to give up? solving the same problem as everyone else in the room, like an exam! solving different problem is ok ** how to promote the good factors?

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