Melvin's digital garden

Remarks on cluster systems

CREATED: 200910030211

Presented by Andreas Dress at GCM2009

  • $X$ be a finite set (eg. set of species)
  • A cluster system, $\mathcal{C}$ is a subset of $P(X)$ (eg. clades)
  • Special kinds of $\mathcal{C}$: partition, hierarchy
  • Charles Ray, a Catholic, coined the term //species// in 1600
  • Lineals? proposed a hierarchical system for all species
  • and also one for minerals but without not much success
  • Freiberg (Germany) has the oldest mineral museum
  • Hierachy: $A, B \in \mathcal{C} \rightarrow A \cap B \in {\emptyset, A, B}$, size is $O(n)$
  • Weak hierachy: $A, B, C \in \mathcal{C} \rightarrow A \cap B \cap C \in {\phi, A \cap B, A \cap C, B \cap C}$, size is $O(n^2)$
  • Neighbourhoods: $B(x|r) = {y | D(x,y) \le r}$, size is $O(n^2)$
  • Relative distances, instead of $r$, $D(x,y) \le D(a,b)$ but may not have much sense
  • Compare relative to a fix element, $D(x,y) \le D(x,z)$, leads to ranking
  • Ranking functions are more robust: $rk_x(x) = 0$ $rk_x(y) \le k$
  • $H(\mathcal{C}) = {C \in \mathcal{C} | C \cap C’ \in {\emptyset, C, C’}, \forall C’ \in \mathcal{C} }$

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