Melvin's digital garden

ClojureScript: an experiential report

[2015-11-19 Thu 19:30] speaker: Issac Johnston, SMX event: ClojureSG #6 ** SMX enterprise cloud email ** javascript handling mail flow mail server starts up a javascript vm ** UI to help the user create mail processing rules gets converted into a DSL that is parsed with instaparse into AST then passed to by js/cljs interpreter ** able to process mail during smtp connection prevent unwanted mail from coming into the system ** why cljs already using clojure on jvm for backend, allow more contributions from backend programmers ** libraries hiccup for html re-frame as react wrapper boot is better than lein package cljs as nodejs module figwheel for reloading weasel for repl garden for css cats for category theory cljs-devtools for chrome myhyde for cljs-js interop ** references modern cljs tutorial

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