Melvin's digital garden


A good talk should educate, entertain, elucidate, enlighten

A conference paper offers a summary of a particular piece of ongoing work in order to bring fellow scientists up to date on activities in their field

Elicit an appreciation of the research effort and highlight the value of the contributions

The presentation should be made extemporaneously

A few notes or an outline are all that are required to maintain order and organization

Slides should be brightly light and convey a simple thought, if a pointer is needed the slides is probably too complicated

Never show a slide and apologize for it. Don’t be afraid to use no slides.

Be intimate with the audience, make them feel you are there because you care about informing each and every one of them

Learning process can be enhanced by animated oral presentations which transcend the capacity to learn from the written word

Be enthusiastic. Make your subject live for the audience if only for 20 minutes.

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