Melvin's digital garden

Beyond Satisfiability

CREATED: 200701121206 ** Applications

  • test case generation
  • bounded and symbolic model checking
  • invariant generation
  • interpolant ** finding the predicate in predicate abstraction

** DPLL Search

  • state is <search level, partial assignment, input clauses, conflict clauses>
  • propagation ** single literal ** implied literal
  • analysis ** resolving - add to conflict clause ** backjumping
  • selection

** Extensions

  • AllSAT, find all satisfying assignments - blocking clauses
  • MaxSAT, maximize weight of satisfied clauses
  • generate a proof
  • interpolant ** Given K and a partition of K into K_1 and K_2, find I such that K1 => I and K_2 ^^^ I => _|_ ** var(I) sube var(K_1) nn var(K_2)

** Satisfiability Modulo Theories

  • involves theory reasoning
  • constraint solver should be incremental and have effective backtracking

** Yices

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