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A job shop scheduling problem in software testing

Presented by Hong Zhu at NUS on 8th Feb 2010

Variant of job shop scheduling that arises in software testing.

Given \(n\) jobs and \(m\) machines, each job must run on machine 1 for \(d\) units and \(p_k\) units on any one of the other \(m-1\) machine, minimize maxspan.

NP-hard when \(m \ge 3\) via reduction from partitioning problem. For \(d = 0, m = 3\), reduces to partitioning the jobs into two sets whose sum is as close as possible.

Suppose \(d\) is much smaller than than \(p_{\min}\), \(md \lt p_{\min}\).

Alg 1: List scheduling

  • M1: pick any job from J and run it on M1, when that is done put job in J’
  • M2-n: pick any job in J’ and execute it
  • is an 2-approximation algorithm assuming \(md \lt p_{\min}\)
  • proof: consider the last job, when that job is scheduled all the other machines must be busy
  • can construct an example which shows that the approximation bound is tight

Alg 2: Longest processing time first

  • similar to Alg 1 except always try to process job with longest processing time first
  • is an 3/2-approximation algorithm assuming \(md \lt p_{\min}\)

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