Melvin's digital garden

Web Developer's Nightmare

[2015-04-10 Fri 18:51] speaker: MHA event: Friday Hacks, NUS Hackers ** motivation developers are not security trained not familiar with the language/platform ** credential storage and transport sending credentials over https only ** application segregation low/high risk areas different db credentials ** always do server side validation ** third party code may have vulnerabilities showing too much error messages does it modify system data? ** input validation http headers, cookies number one source of vulnerabilities use whitelist ** poor housekeeping leaving behind debug information leak file paths ** neglected systems not maintained, updated ** publishing sensitive data publicly push to github ** damn vulnerable web application SQL injection Reflected XSS (JS injection) Command execution (shell injection) ** security tips don’t trust user input lowest level of privilege to do the task suppress error messages periodically check the logs ** pentesting of NoSQL db cross site port attack

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