Melvin's digital garden

Abusing the 4D indexing in PostGIS 2.2 with PostgreSQL 9.5 to give you the perfect match

speaker: Victor Blomqvist, Tan Tan event: FOSSASIA 2016 ** recommending users base on distance and other factors need to do 1000 ranking queries per second at peak ** new operator «-» in PostGIS 2.2 ** ranking by distance and popularity current method is to select a large number by distance, then further refine it with popularity ** consider popularity as a new dimension create a new column loc_pop that is 3D point, need to scale pop to work with dist ** «-» returns the nD distance make the query much simpler, but harder to reason about ** including age filter typically done with a where clause very selective age filter are slow to run ** add age to the geometry where loc_age &&& ST_MakeLine(

  • ST_MakePoint(180,90,min_age),
  • ST_MakePoint(-180,-90,max_age), ) order by …

could return results slightly less than min_age or more than max_age, perhaps due to inaccuracy of the GIST index ** benchmarks generally makes the queries slower, only helps in the case where age filter was very restrictive

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