Melvin's digital garden

File Storage Engine in Go: reducing GC overhead

speaker: Cheng Wei, Garena event: Friday Hacks ** needs storing billions of files, total size > 300TB serve more than 50k downloads per second ** use ext3/4 inode instead disk seek time 4k blocks is too large ** use BeansDB from Riak based on bitcast Hash tree of filename to offset combine all the large files into a single large 4gb file writes is append only, sequential reads one need 1 seek ** requirement 50 kqps hard disk IO is 200 qps need 250 hard disks! use faster disks, Fusion IO, as cache ** BeansDB does not support auto expiring cache requires files automatically BeansDB not actively maintained ** rewrite in Go easy to read, good concurrency, acceptable performance 95% requests < 1ms 5% around 1s periodic latency spikes due to GC pause ** allocate on stack if possible analogy is basket from the supermarket before you leave, you must put it back go compiler decides allocation on stack/heap base on escape analysis ** memory pool for objects too big for stack stdlib’s sync.Pool ** results more than 99% < 1ms less than 1% < 10ms ** caveats code is less elegant and more error prone only apply for critical path ** questions? gc tuning? not much parameters available how much ram? around 30gb of ram

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