Melvin's digital garden

Implementing continuous delivery

[2014-03-06 Thu 19:03] speaker: Christian Trabold, Thoughtworks event: DevOps Meetup, DevOps Singapore ** what is continuous delivery The ability to reliable release software to production on demand with confidence Releases tied to business needs, not operational constraints ** how long does it take to deliver a single line change? from Mary/Tom Poppendieck ** three pillars of CD

  • provisioning boxes
  • deployments
  • database migration
  • monitoring ** build quality in “Cease dependence on mass insepction…” – W Edward Deming, Author of “Out of Crisis” ** Push button deployment into all environments. Push to live most business days. Turnaround from request to production with entire quality process ~1hr ** Puppet, monitoring, deployments accessible to anyone at github through chat room. ** build once, deploy everywhere versioned artifacts ** smoke test the deployment comes from using smoke to test a pipe ** feature toggles togglz dashboard for Java ** canary releases only to a subset of customers ** blue/green deployment ** database changes update app to be compatible with old and new schema then update schema

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