Book notes
- A new learning paradigm: competition supported by technology
- Beautiful Teams
- Brain Rules
- Clean Code
- Conceptual Blockbusting
- Don’t be such a scientist
- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
- Hackers and Painters
- How to win friends and influence people
- If you want to write
- Joel on Software
- Made to Stick
- Peopleware
- Practices of an agile developer
- Pragmatic thinking and learning
- Predictably irrational
- Presentation Zen
- Presentation Zen Design
- Producing open source software
- Programmers at Work
- Quiet leadership
- Selected papers in CS
- Ship it
- slide:ology
- Stumbling on Happiness
- Super Crunchers
- The Agile Samurai
- The Art of Lean Software Development
- The non-designer’s design book
- The Paleo Diet
- The Passionate Programmer
- The Skillful Teacher
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
- Writing for academic publication
- Your Brain at Work
- The Wide Lens
- Team Geek
- Nine algorithms that changed the future
- Trillions
- Probably approximately correct
- Evidence based creative teaching
- Journey in Blue
- The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life
- The Path
- The art of conversation
- Can’t we just print more money
- Game theory a graphic guide
- Escape from model land
- Gladiators, pirates and games of trust
- The perfect bet