Melvin's digital garden

Hackers and Painters

Why nerds are unpopular

  • popularity is something you have to work at, nerds just don’t care

Hackers and Painters

  • both are makers

What you can’t say

  • question hidden assumptions, taboos

Good bad attitude

  • hackers win by breaking the rules

The other road ahead

  • benefits of web-based software

Mind the gap

  • unequal income distribution is not the real problem

A plan for spam

Taste for makers

  • Good design is simple, timeless, solves the right problem, suggestive, slightly funny, hard, looks easy, uses symmetry, resembles nature, is redesign, can copy, often strange, happens in chunks, often daring

Programming languages explained

The hundred year language

The dream language

Beating the averages

Revenge of the nerds

Design and Research

  • Research has to be original, design has to be good

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