cs education
CREATED: 200710180306
Open problems
- How to interest people in CS?
- How to make CS more interesting/relevant?
- How to make programming easier and more fun?
- How to make debugging easier?
- How to make programming assignments more fun and less stressful?
- provide more feedback
- How to make algorithms more interesting?
- A series of nonverbal algorithm assembly instructions.
Stack: an open-source collection of teaching activities for understanding and practicing CS concepts. https://github.com/teaching-lab/stack-cs-activities
Unplugged activities
- 2d parity bit magic trick
- exploring the hexahexaflexagon graph
- flowchart for moving marbles
CS Camp 2021
- 1:30pm to 4:30pm each day, Monday (20th Dec) to Friday (24th Dec). Held at LccL in Tanglin Shopping Centre.
- Polya’s four step problem solving process for Competitive Programming
- Harvard’s CS50
- Berkeley’s BJC
- SICPJS https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs/index
- YSC1212 by Olivier Danvy
Using games
- Minecraft clone in 50 lines Python using the Ursina game engine
- Games based on Computer Science
Using virtual environments
Web with Python
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- self-compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor
A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing
Gradually introduce new syntax, Hedy
LccL, https://www.thelab.sg/