Uncovering the architecture of coordinated gene expression
CREATED: 200810300303 Speaker: Rohan Williams, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University ** Motivation
- coordinated gene expression
- co-control, co-regulation, co-expression, co-functionality
- gene set approach: find motifs enriched in groups of genes of interest
- shared control approach (this talk) ** Coordinated gene expression from Shared Control
- measure shared control using jaccard co-efficient
- hierarchical clustering based on complete-linkage: 2577 clusters, 2478 non-singletons
- measure of cluster stability using method of Hennig, CSDA 2005
- cluster properties: #genes, tissue specificity, #chromosomes, functional enrichment (P < 0.05) ** Regulatory variation in gene expression
- mapped to quantitative trait loci
- correlation of genetic variation (measure by markers) and gene expression variation
- cis-acting variant (local), trans-acting variant (distinct)
- recent human eQTL studies suggests that cis-variants are far more detectable than trans-variants