The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Graphical excellence
is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space.
show the data
emphasize the substance rather than the methodology
avoid distorting what the data have to say
present many numbers in a small space
make large data sets coherent
encourage the eye to compare different pieces of data
reveal data at several levels of detail
serve a clear purpose
close integrated with statistical and verbal descrtiptions of a data set
Graphical integrity
representation of numbers should be directly proportional to numerical quantities
clear, detailed and thorough labeling should be used
show data variation, not design variation
the number of information-carrying dimensions should not exceed the number of dimensions in the data
graphics must not quote data out of context
Theory of data graphics
above all else show the data (data ink ratio)
maximize the data ink ratio, within reason
erase non-data-ink, within reason
erase redundant data-ink, note that sometimes redundancy can give additional context
revise and edit
forgot chartjunk (moire vibration, the grid, and the duck
data density and small multiples
prefer horizontal graphics, about 50 percent wider than tall