The Agile Samurai
One team that is
- cross functional
- colocated
- engaged customer
- self organizing
Furious four
- time
- budget
- quality
- scope
Visual workspace
- story wall
- release wall
- velocity and burn-down chart
- inception deck
- share a common domain language
- working agreements
Ask tough questions at the start
- Why Are We Here?
- Elevator Pitch,
- For [users] who [problem] the [product] is a [type] that [what it does].
- Unlike [existing solution], out product [why better].
- Design a product box
- Create a NOT list
- Meet your neighbours
- Show the solution (high level)
- Ask what keeps us up at night
- Size it up (schedule)
- What’s going to give
- Show what it going to take (resources)
User stories
- index cards
- business sense
- end to end
- independent
- negotiable
- small, estimatable
Best practices
- unit testing
- refactoring
- continuous integration
- size relatively (1,3,5)
- setup baselines, planning poker
- Master story list
- size it up
- prioritize
- estimate velocity
- schedule by date or feature set
- burn down chart
- Story planning meeting (start of iter n, plan stories for iter n+1)
- daily stand up
- Iteration planning meeting
- show case
- plan next iteration
- mini retrospective