Team Data Ninja (NUS) at Data Science Game 2016
[2016-11-14 Mon 19:00:00] event: DataScienceSG
Qualifier is an image classification challenge held on Kaggle
- orientiation of roof affects solar production
- north-south
- east-west
- flat
- others
- determine orientation of roof from satellite images
- evaluation metric: accuracy
Approaching the qualifier problem
- augment the training dataset
- rotate north-south into east-west, vice-versa
- slight rotations, shearing, zoom
- XGBoost got 56% accuracy
- various convolution neural net
- ResNet produced the highest accuracy
- ensemble by allowing other weaker models to overturn the result from ResNet
- if the majority class is different from ResNet
Top 20 teams will qualify for the final round in Paris.
Finals is a quote conversion challenge from AXA
- user gets quote for insurance from various brokers
- evaluation metric: log-loss
- feature engineering
- user more likely to convert on anniversay
- topic modelling with LDA
- decided on XGBoost