Sudoku solver
CREATED: 200703160312 ** Difficulty of problem instance
given numbers
- for unique solution, min 17 numbers
** Encoding into SAT
valid(x_1, ldots, x_n) = ^^^_(d=1)^9 vvv_(i=1)^9 x_i = d
(contains every digit)- minimal encoding, every row, col, box is valid
- full encoding
- other heuristics ** sudoku property: there is at least one blank entry that can be assigned immediately by considering the set of non blank entries ** failed literal rule ** binary failed literal rule
** Human reasoning (
- Naked singles, Full house, Hidden singles, Cross hatching (unit propagation)
- Locked candidates, Naked pair, Hidden pair
- X-wing, Swordfish (generalised by grid analysis)
- additional clauses from “human rules” creates more IO costs which increases running time on SAT solvers
** Conclusion
- some cases cannot be solved by failed literal
- using search improves result
- grid analysis is the best method