single source shortest path
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- does not work if graph has negative edge weights
- optimal for any graph when paired with heap data structure with a working-set property
- working set of element x, W_x, is the largest set of elements in the heap that
- were inserted after x. ExtractMin should be O(1 + log |W_x|)
Label correcting algorithms
- use a queue to store nodes where we found a shorter path
- pop node off the queue and relax adjacent nodes
- same worst case as standard Bellman-Ford, but O(E) on average for random graphs
- negative cycle detection
- walk to the root
- subtree disassembly
- optimal for shortest hop-bounded paths assuming APSP and Min-Plus convolution
Randomized Speedup of the Bellman–Ford Algorithm
- mn/3 + m relaxation steps in expectation
Non-adaptive Bellman-Ford: Yen’s improvement is optimal every non-adaptive deterministic algorithm based on relaxations must perform (1/2−o(1))n^3 steps
Goal directed or point to point SP
- A* landmarks and triangle inequality (ALT)