Melvin's digital garden

Posters from GIW 2009

CREATED: 201003311211 ** PPI network summarization

  • grouping of proteins
  • relations between the groups

Define some notion of attribute homogenity based on entropy

Edges between groups should be either low or high.

Define a measure of the quality of a grouping based on the entropy of a group and edges.

Optimize the measure to obtain groupings and hence summarized network.

** Reliable augmentation of PPI data with interlogs Problems

  • incompleteness of data, biased coverage
  • inaccurate data

Interlogs: interactions observed between orthologous proteins in another organism


transfer interlogs from source to target

group interlogs into subtypes (source, confidence, experimental technique used)

scoring the interlog (estimate the reliability, prior reliability based on subtype)

Shows that it improves precision-recall curve for protein function prediction.

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