Melvin's digital garden

Peptide and PTM identifcation by MS/MS

CREATED: 200712310820 ** Background

  • PTM - modification of amino acids
  • DeNovo algorithms ** Lutefisk ** PepNovo ** Peaks
  • Database algorithms ** Sequest ** Mascot
  • Combined ** Inspect - generate tags using denovo methods, use tags in candidate selection of db search
  • Spectrum graph ** consider all paths from source to dest ** which are the common suboaths? ** using multiple MS spectrum from different labs

** Approach

  • coarse filtering (SoM)
  • generate tags by denovo methods
  • fine filtering ** by spectrum comparison/tags ** scoring peptide, share peaks count + length of matched tags ** scoring PTM

** Experiments

  • Data sources ** Peptide Atlas ** OPD ** ISB
  • Experiment ** quality of tags ** effect of search distance in MPRQ ** ratio of completely correct peptides ** efficiency ** simulated PTM

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