Network Flow
CREATED: 200701021616
Ahuja et al, Network Flow: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
maximum flow/minimum cut
- augmenting path on residual graph
- fewest edges path
- highest capacity path
- Dinic’s algorithm
- layered graph and blocking flow
- push–relabel algorithm
- does only local operations on vertices with positive excess
minimum cost max flow
- cycle-cancelling
- sucessive shortest path
generalized maximum flow
- gain function on each edge
- Onaga’s algorithm
- cancel all flow generating cycles
- use the highest gain path to largest flow within capacity constrints to sink
- this does not create flow generating cycles
- first strongly polynomial time algorithm in 2014
minimum cost generalized maximum flow
- equivalent to linear programming where every column of the constraint matrix has at most 2 non-zero entries
- first combinatorial algorithm in 1999 by Wayne
- first strongly polynomial time algorithm in 2024,
- every LP can be transformed to one with at most 3 non-zero entries per column