Mining Communities from PPI
CREATED: 200709270609 Speaker: Li Xiao-Li (I2R)
** Definitions
- lethal proteins = useful for drug discovery
- protein complexes = dense subgraph
- network motifs = recurring patterns of local connections (frequent subgraph)
** Density
- clustering coefficient
|E| / (|V| * (|V| - 1))
** Type of network
- scale free
- contains hubs (well connected nodes)
- small degree of separation
** Lethal proteins (Existing work)
- maintain stability ** degree ** clustering coefficient
- strategic location ** betweeeness ** subgraph centrality
- problems ** based on topology of the graph ** biased towards hubs ** prefer densely connected subgraphs
** NFC Approach
- integrate function information from GO
- measures degree of functional consistency between
and other proteins inG_u
- Neighborhood: local subgraph
- Function: Relative Specificity Similarity (RSS) comparison of GO annotations
- Centrality: lethal proteins are located in subnetworks of proteins with similar functions
** Experiments
- four datasets from Yeast PPI
- can be used for function prediction
- radius = 2 (neighbor + neighbor’s neighbour) seems to give better results
- able to detect low connectivity lethal proteins
** Protein Complexes (Existing work)
- molecular aggregations of multiple proteins
- molecular machines
- limitations of experimental detection ** bias ** inaccurate ** incomplete ** time consuming
- limitations of computational detection ** high data noise (wrong links) ** networks are incomplete (missing links)
** DECAFF Mining algorithm
- connectivity and confidence
- detect dense and reliable subgraph
- incompleteness: relax maximal clique to maximal dense graph
- noise: filter away edges with low reliability
- Mining
compute local dense subgraph by iteratively removing loosely connected vertices
compute overlapping dense subgraph (hub removal strategy)
merge overlapping dense subgraphs
- Filtering ** more experiments. more reliable ** incorporate function of protein ** reliability of subgraph = average reliability of edges
** Experiments
- P-value of complexes are small due to enrichment of functions
- unmatched complexes may be novel complexes