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CREATED: 200904071208 LINK: url:~/Modules/Literature/McLysaght2002.pdf Title: Extensive genomic duplication during early chordate evolution

The hypothesized genome duplications event were postulated to have occurred during chordate evolution, we focused on gene duplications younger than the divergence between humans and two invertebrates (D. melanogaster and C. elegans).

96 paralogons with $sm \ge 6$ covered 44% of the genome with an average redundancy of magnitude 1.3, where as 504 paralogons with $sm \ge 3$ covered 79% of the genome with a redundancy of magnitude 2.1.

Used molecular clock to estimate the ages of gene duplications that occurred during chordate evolution. 758 gene families have two to ten human members and fly and nematode orthologs.

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