Melvin's digital garden


CREATED: 200612290326 LINK: url:~/Modules/Literature/Liu2006.pdf WWW:

** Background spatial temporal regulation

gene network (G -> G) as a simplification of cellular network (G -> P -> M, M -> P, M -> G, P -> G)

** Learning gene network

  • pairwise correlation
  • boolean models
  • linear models
  • nonlinear models
  • differential models
  • bayesian models
  • causal influence
  • data of a stochastic nature
  • small datasets

** Challenges

  • large number of dimensions
  • noise
  • randomness

** Learning strategy for Bayesian models *** candidate parent selection

  • typically using pairwise correlation
  • problems: weak parents, gene/protein complexes, variable time delay

*** determine actual parents using heuristics *** CD algorithm use CRE to find weak parents in candidate parent selection

  • conditional dependence: A -> C <- B, if C is known, A and B are dependent
  • conditional relative entropy (CRE)

find complexes in candidate parent set of z

  • complexes as semi clique
  • each semi clique of size 4 contains a clique of size 3 ** first find all 3 cliques by brute force ** use heuristics to extend the 3 cliques to semi cliques

use complexes and individual genes to check for parents

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