Hack and Tell 2019
[2019-03-11 Mon 19:45:00]
Prudent by Vito
- react frontend for ledger format
- prudent.me
Dohnut by Sebastiaan Deckers
- DNS to DNS-over-https proxy
Spot welder by Loong Jin Chow
- controller from aliexpress
- uses a microwave transformer
- two pulse, first pulse to soften the contact
busrouter.sg/visualization by Chee Aun Lim
- map of bus routes
- stacked on top of one another
glitch.com by Hui Jing Chen
- app using nexmo API
CI for json-autotype by Michal
- test on all three haskell build systems
- and different compiler versions
- using gitlab-ci
Laptop screen update by Kheng Meng