Hack and Tell 2017-07-18
Porting Hungarian text adventure from the 80s to Android
- found game logic in basic
- porting logic to inform5
- no good way to run inform5 with accented characters, too slow
- convert the infrom5 byte codes to jvm byte codes to speed it up
NUS-MIT Analytics Datathon
- access data through SQL
- likelyhood patient would die in ICU
- sepsis affects the mortality rate
100 Days of data visualization
- by Hannah Yan Han
- drink preference around the world
- migrants who go missing
- characters in simpsons
- discipline + momentum
OK Google, Turn on my AC
- Use “Actions on Google” to build apps
- similar to building a chatbot
- use api.ai to process the voice command
- api.ai uses a webhook to notify the result
- webhook goes to RPi that is online
Historical revisionism
- by V
- working on a git library
- git has nice internal model, despite the poor cli
- preparing a git internals workshop by making a git repo
- the commit message is the instructions
- checkout different commits to move through the workshop