Evolution of regulatory modules
CREATED: 200810140719 Speaker: Aviv Regev ** Comparing S. cerevisiae and S. pombe
- Regulatory modules: group of co-expressed, co-regulated genes
- Conserved transcription modules in E. Coli and Human
- Adaptation of regulatory modules in S. cerevisiae and S. pombe?
- Find modules using bi clustering, comparing modules between two species -> orthologous modules
- Look at tf binding sites of the modules ** Include more species and putative modules
- construct a phylogenetic profile of binding sites
- parsimonious reconstruction of ancestral binding sites
- eg, from Homol-D to RAP1 ** Evolution of regulatory modules
- cis-buffering in modules
- how do novel sites emerge and invade many genes
- neutral drift
- selective advantage to redundancy
- undefined selective role ** Reconstructing orthogroups ** Phylogeny of modules