Ensemble Clustering of PPI Networks
CREATED: 200802260846 ** Ensemble clustering Speaker: Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Dept CSE, Ohio State University *** Challenges in analysing PPI networks
- noisy data
- existence of hub nodes
- proteins can be multi-faceted
- data integration issues ** sources: 2-hybrid, mass spect, genetic co-occurrence ** targets: Y2H, mass spec - target binding, genetic co-occurrence - target functional ** weaknesses *** Ensemble Clustering
- consensus of many clustering
- errors should no correlate, methods should be diverse
- much work done in context of classification *** Ensemble clustering on PPI
- based methods, handling influence of noise and hubs
- scalability
- soft clustering *** Framework
- x distance metric, y clustering algorithms -> xy arrangements
- Similarity metrics ** clustering coefficient based (edge oriented, local, targets FP) ** edge betweenness based (edge oriented, global, targets FP) ** neighborhood based (local, node based, targets FN and FP)
- Clustering algorithms ** kMetic, favors balanced clusters ** Repeated bisection, hierarchal clustering ** Direct k-way partitioning, favors globular shapes *** PCA-based consensus
** prune away clusters with high intra-cluster distance
dimensionality reduction
** construct incidence matrix and apply logistic PCA, each protein as a vector of 0/1 which indicates which cluster it is part of
consensus clustering
** agglomerative hierarchical clustering, recursive bisection algorithm *** Validation Metrics
- topological measure: modularity, $\sum_i (d_{ii} - (\sum_j d_{jj})^2)$
- information theoretic
- gene ontology annotations for each cluster of proteins
- P-value to measure statistical significance of clusters
- Clustering Score *** Experiment setup
- Dataset - Database of Interacting Proteins
- Other methods ** MCLA, ensemble method ** Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE) ** Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL)
- Comparison with other ensemble methods
- Comparison with domain specific method to find dense regions
- Comparison with hub duplication method for soft clustering
- Specific comparison using CKA1 hub protein *** Future work
- incorporate directionality
- scalability
- temporal information about interaction is not used
- graphical models