Dynamic Programming
CREATED: 200701080618 ** Types of DP *** 1D/1D: $E[j] = min_{0 \le i \lt j}(D[i] + w(i,j))$ for $1 \le j \le n$
- least weight subsequence
- optimal paragraph formation
- finding a minimum height B-tree
- sequence alignment with gaps (2n copies of Problem 1)
- number of problems in computational geometry
*** 2D/0D:
E[i,j] = min(D[i-1,j] + x_i, D[i,j - 1] + y_j, D[i - 1, j - 1] + z_(i,j))
for1 le i,j le n
- string edit distance
- longest common subsequence
- sequence alignment
- sequence alignment with linear gap costs
*** 2D/1D:
C[i,j] = w(i,j) + min_(i lt k le j)(C[i, k - 1] + C[k, j])
for1 le i lt j le n
- optimal binary search trees
- maximum perimeter inscribed polygon
- contruction of optimal t-ary tree
*** 2D/2D:
E[i,j] = min_(0 le i' lt i, 0 le j' lt j)(D[i',j'] + w(i' + j', i + j)
for1 le i,j le n
- secondary structure of RNA without loops
** Convexity and concavity
- Cost function w is convex/concave if it satisfied the convex/concave Monge condition:
** Convex:
w(a,c) + w(b,d) le w(b,c) + w(a,d), AA a < b and c < d
** Concave:w(a,c) + w(b,d) ge w(b,c) + w(a,d), AA a < b and c < d
- Matrix A is convex/concave totally monotone if for all a < b and c < d,
** Convex:
A[a,c] ge A[b,c] => A[a,d] ge A[b,d]
** Concave:A[a,c] le A[b,c] => A[a,d] le A[b,d]
- Let
be the row index such thatA[r_j,j]
is the minimum value in column j - Convex total monotonicity
=> r_1 le r_2 le cdots le r_m
- Concave total monotonicity
=> r_1 ge r_2 ge cdots ge r_m
- Convex (concave) monge condition
convex (concave) total monotonicity, but the converse is not true - Algorithms only require total monotonicity to work
- Dead
** A[i,j] is dead if
i != r_j
** A[i:i’, j:j’] is dead if all elements inside are dead
** 1D/1D problem
- if D[i] = E[i] and w(i,i) = 0 (w satisfies the triangle inequality or inverse triangle inequality) then:
** Convex:
E[j] = D[0] + sum_(0 le k lt j) w(k, k + 1)
** Concave:E[j] = D[0] + w(0,j)
** Steps
Understand the problem and parameters
Generalize the problem
Define the “correct” problem
** use all parameters ** the solution as a special case ** make use of history
Find a recursive solution
Extract the DP
** Reference
- Dynamic Programming with Convexity, Concavity and Sparsity