Double water exculsion
CREATED: 200903040605 A hypothesis refining the O-ring theory for hot spots at protein interfaces Speaker: Li Jinyan (SCE, NTU) ** Motivation
- binding interfaces have high compatibility in 3D share and biochemical properties
- hotspot in the binding interface consists of a small subset of residues, energetically important, any mutants result in energy loss
- O-ring theory by Bogan and Thorn, JMB 1998 ** hotspot surrounded by a ring of energetically less important residues ** these residues organized in a O-ring shape to block water molecules ** Contribution
- Double water exclusion: in addition to O-ring, further assume that the hotspot itself is water free
- Finding water free hotspoints ** binding chain pair represented as a bipartite graph, connect two residues if distance between them is small ** hotspots corresponds to maximal biclique