Digital world evolved - machine learning powered
[2018-05-31 Thu 11:57:10] event: PyCon APAC Edu summit speaker: Norman Lee, SUTD
introduce machine learning in first year python course
The course is “The Digital World”
- raspberry pi
- thymio robot
- google firebase
- propose their own 1D and 2D project
Stucture of The Digital World
- programming concepts (six weeks)
- OOP (two weeks)
- intro to machine learning (one week)
- GUI (Kivy)
Flipped classroom
- students work on mini project during the class
- in groups
Lessons from introducing machine learning
- inconsistent terminology in textbooks
- follow the terms in scikit-learn
- chose the breast cancer dataset
- 30 numerical features with binary categorical target
- prior to class
- videos
- pre-class activity
- online quiz
- in-class problem set
- what we want the students to learn
- the process
- understanding the dataset
- model for numerical prediction
- linear regression
- model for categorical prediction
- k-nearest neighbours
- easier to describe and explain
- with python, students learn
- jupyter notebook
- matplotlib pyplot
- scikit-learn
- numpy
Lessons learnt
- code is short, concepts are deep
- numpy arrays are different from regular lists
- steps in machine learning
- why we need to partition the data into three sets
- jupyter notebook
- different from what they used before to program
- find a dataset for numerical prediction
- introduce tools earlier