Detecting complexes from PPI
CREATED: 200912041114 Start: 1118 End: 1137
Markov clustering simulated random walks and finds relatively dense regions
MCL for PPI found to be robust to noise and finds meaningful clusters.
Limitations of MCL:
- clusters are disjoint
- includes many noisy proteins
- does not incorporate biological knowledge
** MCL-CA #Apply MCL (parameters?) #Determine core proteins #Filter off noisy clusters (without core proteins) #Determine attachment proteins #Determine module proteins #Determine complexes (core + attachment - noisy proteins) #Rank predicted complexes (density + in-out interaction ratio)
** Result
- Two datasets from Gavin and Krogan
- Bader scoring = $|P \cap Q| / |P||Q|$
- Comparison with MCL alone
- Comparison with CORE (Leung 2009)
- Comparison with COACH (Wu Min 2009)
- Specific complexes predicted by MCL-CA ** identification of existing complexes ** novel complexes (match result from Gavin)