Melvin's digital garden


CREATED: 200810200328 Title: Limitations of pseudo genes in identifying gene loss ** Motivation

  • loss of mgh16 associated with cranial enlargement (less is more)
  • Identifying human-specific gene loss ** all methods rely on finding pseudo genes ** assumption: gene loss always results in pseudo gene ** Finding gene loss using gene families
  • gene family: groups of orthologs and paralogs
  • obtain genes from Ensembl -> obtain families using TribeMCL
  • inferring gene loss/gain ** 231 human specific gene loss in 207 families ** under counting? (equal number of gene gain and loss) ** Ensembl included pseudo genes as real genes
  • verifying gene loss ** blast chimp homolog against human using GeneWise to check gene model ** pseudo gene based methods miss many genes but fewer false positives ** gene family based methods identify deleted genes but have false positives

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