Building data products from the perspective of a PM
[2016-08-23 Tue 19:20:29] speaker: Michael Zhang, Grab event: Data Science SG
Estimating the time of arrival of a Grab car.
Manually check the ETA vs ATA plots (distance vs time)
- driver waiting before starting
- driver searching for the passenger
- driver makes a wrong turn
ETA is less than ATA because it did not account for
- driver did not start immediately
- driver did not go in the right direction
- incorrect traffic estimation
Improve ETA by estimating of how long the driver starts moving, transit, pick up.
Correction factor to futher improve ETA
- geohash
- time of day
- weather
- driver behavior
Organizing the team
- clear responsibility and speed
- platform team
- data tracking team
- feature enginerring team
- data science team
- plan data tracking, integrity, and consumption
- keep it simple
- batch process over real-time
- prioritize data growth
- hire for the right skill-sets
- data scientists who can write production level code
Building an internal map service
- lat/lng points to map routes
- filter noisy data