board games
ABGF 2024
- Hot Pot Holic
- set collection
- trick taking
- Kaki Lima: Downtown KL
- sticky activities
- Yellow House
- shedding
- Manhattan
- area majority, able to stack
- Battle for Treas
- hide treasure in chest
- Legions of Kadmon
- Ultimate Voyage
- navigate and acquire points
Play Play Fair 2024
- Terraforming Mars
- Floriferous
ABGF 2023
- Floating floors
- Steam Up: A Feast of Dim Sum
- Crypto Collector
SIBM BG Monsters Cafe
- Hanabi
- Marshmallow test
- Paranormal detective
- Modern art
- High society
Jurong Spring board games
- Hanabi
- Take 5!
- Camel Up
- Sushi Go Party!
Jump Drive
- free on BGA
- engine builder, build (play card) or explore (draw card)
- first to 50 VP wins
- reach 1000 sheep using events
- habitat and wildlife placement
- wildlife scores according to scoring card
- habitat scores by largest contiguous area
Visited PPF 2023 in June 24 2023 and tried the following games
- draft cards to form mooncakes
- place passengers into rooms
- hide contraband
- different roles
- conversation starter
- social themes
- use seeds to buy orchids
- memory game
- find the fish, avoid garbage
Potato Pirates: Enter the Spudnet
- move ships to retrieve potatoes
- disrupt your opponents
- convert tokens with spells and give them to next player
- overwhelm their store to gain points
- conversation cards around personal growth, love, career, kindness
- snake and ladders with growth mindset and fixed mindset cards
Visted ABGF 2022 in Nov 26 and 27th 2022 and tried the following games
- simulate walking around George Town
- achieve tasks to earn VP
- work together to clear obstacles/achieve tasks
- use cards + dice to form number
- adopt five cats
- cats have ability that activiate each round
- bid for durian cards to earn points
- common letters and individual letters
- find a word that includes certain letters
- get four tokens in a row
- tiles get pushed and there are abilities
- place cards representing animals and plants
- cards earn points based on what is adjacent
Athangudi: Artisans of Chettina
- place tiles to form 4x4 floor
- form patterns to earn points
- speed game of grabbing fish cards