Applying the neutral indel model across metazoan genomes
CREATED: 200810200457 Speaker: Chris Ponting
Gerton Lunter’s indel model
- consider length of inter-gap segments, under netural model should follow geometric distribution
- at most 0.09% of all AR are under selection
Overrepresentation of long inter-gap distances
- purifying selection removes delerious indels
- 1.56-2.25% of human genome are functional but non-coding
How much protein coding regions?
- compare against mouse genomes
- about 1.06%
Are non coding transcripts functional?
- many of the 3122 nc transcripts exhibit purifying selection
NIM work well for many paris, except for closely related primates
- due to PolyA microsatellites in ALUs at 150bp apart
- departure at low distances probably due to errors in sequencing/assembly
10% of human genome appears to be constrainted by indel purifying selection
- ref: The functional repertoires of metazoan genomes, Nature Review Genetics
- much turn over in functional sequence, functional but not conserved!