sundering shadows
- nightmare mudlib -> shadowgate -> sundering shadows
- running on fluffos
- quest area
- may not be able to leave
- ask over ooc
- church
- read sign
- read charge
- identify curse on object
- secret chest
- air walk allows wing command
- word of power, wopo
- word of recall, wor
- nod
- score
- stats
- language
- speak
- say
- nod
- emote
- emoteat
- $M me
- $N target
- $np target’s
- recognize
- remember
- get
- all from corpse
- take
- search [obj]
- peer
- follow
- inventory
- wear/remove
- wield/unwield
- discern
- drink
- money
- banks are separate
- kill
- con
- flee
- wimpy on [percentage]
- wimpydir [dir]
- party form/add/join
- attacker can be used in con/look/
- for multiple, use attacker 1, attacker 2
- bury corpse
- replenish heath for newbie
- nickname/unnickname
- help rules
- help hints
- bboard
- next
- thought
- for avatar
- rumors
- relevant areas
- where other players may be
- pkmail
- engage in or witness a pk
- commit an action makes you wanted
- bio
- read
- recall cantrip/innate/class spells
- forage
- skills add 1 to academics
- advance
- certain rooms, temples, churches, room with message board
- spells druid of level n
- prepare druid summon natures ally i
- cast druid produce flame on [target]
- dispell to see duration
- animal_companion bear
- sic
- sic
- animal follow
- heal
- feats known
- search
- gather
- hp
- repair
- eat/drink
- check
- actions
- lines
- newbie
- ooc
- wiz
- describe
- adjective
- mmap
- watch
- bonuses
- rend
- corpselimbs
- inactive
- simple inventory
role playing
- fade away
- say/emote/ooc
- fade to blacck
- reward <target/all>
- give 12.5% exp towards next level
- nopk should avoid aggresive actions
- scrying, stealing, harmfull spells/abilities
- inventory disappear, ask on ooc for assistance from immortal
- log out to prevent saving over backup
- Jaguar puzzle is bugged
- name in inventory cannot be targetted
- jade in belt increases price at smith in Tabor
tutorial issues
- firbolg
- peer mentioned but you can’t peer firbolg
- mention con means consider
- teach actions?
- text map from citizen merged with visual map
- explain stats, explain skills, and explain advance
- need to type explain at the end to continue
- spell level and caster level are difference