Melvin's digital garden

Spectral Alignment

CREATED: 200612300517 ** Formulation

  • Given a string S and a set of l-tuples T, find S* which composes of only tuples in T and has minimum edit distance from S
  • An Eulerian path approach to DNA fragment assembly, PNAS 2001

** Method

  • dynamic programming ** score(S[1..i], a), a in T = min_{x in {A,G,C,T}} { *** score(S[1..i-1], X ++ a[1..l-1]) + match(a[l], S[i]) *** score(S[1..i], X ++ a[1..l-1]) + 1 *** score(S[1..i-1], a) + 1 ** sub problems have cyclic dependency, but can by modelled as ShortestPathProblem with edges weights 0 or 1 and solved in O(|T||S|) time

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