Melvin's digital garden

Python as first language

CREATED: 200704051519 The choice of the first programming language to introduce computer science concepts has always been a hotly debated topic. In SoC, we offer a choice of either Scheme (CS1101S) or Java (CS1101), the second programming course which focuses on data structures and algorithms is taught in Java only. Recently I’ve read a couple of articles (Zelle 1999, Chou 2002) which prompted me to look at this issue again.

  • CS2103 is in Java, early exposure helps students to cope with idiosyncrasies of the languag
  • CS3215 is in C++ or C#

Zelle1999 Python as a First Language

Chou2002 Algorithm Education in Python

Radenski2006 “Python First”: A Lab-Based Digital Introduction to Computer Science

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