Melvin's digital garden

Promoter Evolution

CREATED: 200701061305 Author: Ron Shamir

** Identify function modules across species via orthology

  • project modules via gene orthology
  • SAMBA -> BLAST to find gene orthology <- SAMBA
  • conserved function modules are regulated by conserved promoter elements
  • evolution of motifs -> transfer of function
  • modes of motif evolution ** conservation ** BS evolution ** trans switching ** full switching ** program enrichment ** program abridgement ** switching/buffering
  • conclusion: redundancy leads to evolvability

** Characterize substitutions

  • Kellis et al 2003, Cliften et al 2003
  • form phylogeny of sequence, collect statistics about substitutions
  • infer substitution rates among pairs of motifs (all 8-mers in promoter region)
  • from graph of motifs with 2 types of edges, high substitution rate and low substitution rate
  • plot substitution rate vs normal -> enriched in low sub
  • plot conservation rate vs normal -> enriched in high conservation
  • clusters => TFBS

** Modeling of evolution and learning

  • epistatic intervals

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