CREATED: 200710300310
Tips for practical exam:
- get enough sleep the night before
- stay calm and focused, don’t get distracted by what others are doing 1
- try to avoid making too much noise so as not to distract others
- look through both questions first, start with the easier one to build confidence
- make sure you fully understood what the question is asking for, when in doubt or if the question is unclear about certain parts, check with the invigilators
- as you read the question, starting thinking about boundary conditions, special cases etc
- even if you can’t think of the most efficient algorithm, write something that can solve small cases rather than not submitting anything at all
- plan before you start to program to avoid having to redo everything later
- put sufficient comments so that the TA can understand your program
- develop your programs incrementally, always have something that can compile successfully
- do adequate testing to ensure that your program will produce the correct output
- make sure the output format is exactly as specified in the question
- don’t do everything at the last minute, you should prepare the files for submission (i.e. do some last minute testing, make sure everything compiles properly etc) at least 10 mins before the end of the lab so that you will not rush at the end if there are some unexpected problems.
All the best for the PE tomorrow !
“last sem there was this girl who kept on BURPING beside me!!! and when i say “kept on burping” i mean burping once every 10 seconds! i got sooooo distracted. if anyone does that to me again this sem, i think i’d have to slap the burp out of him forever. :)” – A funny quote from a CS1102 05/06 Sem 2 student ↩︎