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Pathogen Chip Sensitivity

CREATED: 200701051243 ** Pathogen Chip

  • sensitivity not as high as real time PCR (traditional method) due to cross hybridization
  • microarray with 40-mer problems, tiling array
  • microarray is based on whole genome whereas real time PCR only selects a specific portion of the virus genome may fail to detect if there are mutations in that region

** Decting unknown virus

  • amplify using random PCR
  • hybridize with chip
  • check expression

** Random PCR

  • primer consists of fix head - variable tail
  • tail portion consists of all possible letters to match different parts of virus RNA
  • problems - inefficient amplification ** need both forward and reverse primer to bind ** distance from 500 to 1000 bp for PCR to work
  • factors which affect binding ** temperature, different primer require different temperature as binding strength of A-T != C-G ** intra primer secondary structure
  • solution - build model to estimate probability of forward/backward primer binding at site i
  • base on this probability, compute an Amplification Efficiency Score (AES)
  • AES correlates well with hybridization signal intensity

** Application of AES

  • predict signal intensity of different regions
  • find better random primers ** head portion of primer also affects binding ** select head that have high AES for more regions

** Detection of pathogen

  • t-statistic of average signal ** high false positive ** some false negative
  • Observation: real virus has heavy tail ** use KL divergence to check difference in shape ** put more importance in tail portion -> weighted KL (WKL)

** Reference

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